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Atzary Hernandez- Clairaudient Tarot Reader & Magician


Atzary Hernandez
Clairaudient Tarot Reader & Magician

Thursday  12:00pm - 8:00pm

Eight years ago, Atzary embarked on a journey into tarot card reading, initially offering services to close family and friends. Over the course of these transformative eight years, a profound realization took hold: tarot reading wasn't just a skill she possessed; it became an integral part of her life's purpose.

The journey commenced with the establishment of a modest tarot card stand in the vibrant setting of Venice Beach, where she aimed to experiment with her abilities by reading for strangers. The fulfillment of witnessing how her intuitive gifts positively impacted those she encountered was palpable.

Taking the next step, Atzary ventured into the digital realm, establishing an Instagram page and website to extend her readings to a broader audience. The overwhelmingly positive feedback she received affirmed the potential for something much greater.

Atzary's life's mission became clear as she recognized her purpose: to guide and assist those who sought her help. Armed with eight years of dedicated experience in tarot card reading, a deep understanding of astrology, and the ability to integrate current astrological transits into her readings, she brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to every session.

Moreover, her empathic nature and emotional intelligence enhance her ability to connect with clients on a profound level. She specializes in a range of readings, including Life Purpose, Career, Past Life, and Love Readings, ensuring she can address a wide spectrum of questions and concerns.

In addition to tarot, Atzary is well-versed in crystals, magical rituals, manifestation techniques, herbs, esoteric studies, and clairaudience. These complementary skills further enrich the depth and breadth of her practice, providing clients with a holistic and enriching experience.

