Sheilah Smiley - Soul Coaching, Intuitive Guidance, ClairvoyantComic, Happy Healer, Starseed, Gabrielite, Twin Flame, Professional Comedian
Sheilah Smiley
Soul Coaching & Joyful Intuitive Guidance with SHEILAH SMILEY, The Clairvoyant Comic, Happy Healer, Star-seed, Gabrielite, Twin Flame, Professional Comedian
Beautiful soul I am your Alignment Partner. An intuitive from birth and reading professionally for 7.5 years. I am here to shine on behalf of the divine and help you joyfully align with your highest and greatest good. My work includes clearing blocks, removing layers of distortion, and healing any old/new wounds so that you become a magnet for more good and are able to align with the highest frequencies of love / abundance. You will leave our session with freedom, crystal clarity, more joy & confidence to take the inspired action necessary to progress on your divine path. Services include - Akashic records readings, oracle/tarot card readings, energy healing channeling, laser focused life coaching. Reading Types - How can I align with all that's mine? Mini numerology life cycle alignment, healed heart fresh start! The artist's way, Abracadabra! with my magic? The Entrepreneur's Journey: What does the soul of my business want me to know? Certifications/Trainings - Life coach, Akashic records, Oracle advisor, Tarot Advisor, & Master Energy Practitioner (All sessions include an energy clearing).