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Osho - Discover The Buddha

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Product Description

The word buddha simply means the awakened one. The only quality the buddha
at the center of being has is watchfulness, witnessing. Witnessing is the whole
of spirituality compressed into one word. Witness that you are not the body,
witness that you are not the mind, and witness that you are only a witness.
Buddha is the greatest breakthrough that humanity has known up to now and
his contribution to human consciousness is of immense importance.

Before Buddha, the religious search was not concerned with the within but with
the without. The extrovert religion prays to God; introvert religiousness meditates.
Meditation is rooted in fearlessness in and is not begging anything from anybody,
is not addressed to anybody. Meditation is a state of inner silence.
This playful deck of cards and booklet can be used as a daily meditation
tool. Each card carries an original sutra of Buddha with Osho’s insightful and
contemporary commentary, unfolding the telegraphic message of the sutra in a
language that can be understood today.

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