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May 31, 2014

The Dalai Lama visited Mumbai India and he taught “Living, Loving, Laughing and Dying the Buddhist Way” on a 4-day lecture at Somaiya Vidyavihar campus (1). There was a Tibetan festival at the campus during which sand mandalas were created. The Dalai Lama paid his respect to the Hindu god statues which were also there in the campus. It is known that India both has Hindu and Buddhist religions prevalent in the area. It is such a heartwarming sight to see a religious leader to pay his respect to the beliefs of others. Aside from Hinduism the Dalai Lama also shows respect to other religions especially to Christianity when he visits in the United States. The Dalai Lama has become mobile these days as he travels around the world to spread the teachings of compassion, loving kindness, karma, reincarnation, and other wisdom teachings of Buddhism. He has been to Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, Holland, Latvia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Switzerland, Ireland, England, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Slovenia, Denmark, Sweden, Canada, the US, and Mexico. Truly he is a diplomat of compassion and wisdom.


(1) Visit to Mumbai Day One (2014). His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. Retrieved from

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