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California’s Feng Shui Master
Like in all subjects, one can find a Teacher (Guru) who would enlighten and train us in our desired area of specialization. Since in Feng shui, it is considered more like a profession, an expert is always invited during business development (i.e. looking for the right location), architectural planning, and up to interior designing. For [...]
The Buddha’s Joyful Way
Happiness must be a combination of inner causes and outer causes in order to come about (14th Dalai Lama, 1982.) For example if outer factors like good weather and delicious food is present while you are internally sad at the moment, the presence of outer favorable factors will not give you joy at all. However, [...]
Crystal Basics
Bell (1992) asked and answered “What is a crystal? A crystal is a rock with flat faces, or surfaces.” A perfect example would be quartzes which comes in different colors. What distinguishes other rocks with crystals is that it sparkles over light (hence the crystal-line formation). Crystals are formed where there is “hot water or [...]
Tarot Cards 101
The tarot cards are comprised of the Major and Minor Arcana. (1) The Major Arcana are representative of major archetypes. The Minor Arcana represents the elements of fire (Spirit), air (Mind), earth (Physical), and water (Emotions). Twenty-two archetypes used in Tarot are - Fool, Magician, High Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Hierophant, Lovers, Chariot, Strength, Hermit, Wheel [...]
Beyond Five Senses
There are a variety of psychic experiences which are metaphysical (beyond the five senses) in nature. There is an ambiguity with the use of the word metaphysics. Some use the word as “beyond physics”, while for some it is “beyond physical”. But here we will refer to it as “beyond physical.”For some people they are [...]
Astrology & Astronomy
Each and everyone of us was born in a time where the constellation of stars are facing the planet. Hence, we have the astrological signs which are actually from the natural science of astronomy. What then is the difference between astrology and astronomy? Astrology operates in the premise that there is a relationship between the [...]
The Benefits of Meditation
In the first place, why would anybody practice meditation? Meditation’s positive effects are very much seen on a person who is experiencing a constant train of thoughts that does not seem to have a rest. This occurs in instances where there are a lot of things to do, when one after another deadline for a [...]
How to Meditate for the First Time
For the first timer who would like to try meditation, here are a few things you need to do before, during, and after meditation:Before this activity, it is important that the environment you are in is conducive to meditating. Make sure that there is zero to just a little bit of noise interference where you [...]
Are You Looking for Inner Peace?
There comes a time when the world seems too busy, when our everyday lives are filled with too much of what we can really handle in a day. We feel this inner yearning for a time for ourselves and so we say “I wish I had time for myself.” In this particular moment we actually [...]